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FAQ по работе с SMM Combain Все видеоуроки по SMM Combain 3. СКОЛЬКО ПОТОКОВ И КАКУЮ ЗАДЕРЖКУ СТАВИТЬ ? — Смотря для чего, но для начала можешь выставить 3 и 15 соответственно. Смотри, тестируй и регулируй значения по своему усмотрению, но не переусердствуй. 4. КАКИЕ ПОТОКИ И ЗАДЕРЖКУ ЛУЧШЕ СТАВИТЬ В РЕЖИМЕ ИНВАЙТЕРА ? — Задержку 20 потоки 5-8 смотря сколько аккаунтов 5. В ИНВАЙТЕРЕ В ДРУЗЬЯ ЕСТЬ ЧЕК БОКС «ВЕСЬ СПИСОК» ЗАЧЕМ ОН НУЖЕН ? — Чтобы с каждого аккаунта приглашала не одних и тех же людей на каждый аккаунт и по списку. первый аккаунт по 50 друзей второй аккаунт 51-100 3й аккаунт 150 — 200 и т.д. 6. А У КОГО АККАУНТЫ НЕ БАНЯТ ПРИ СПАМЕ ? — При спаме по ЛС.Получается 1 акк на 20 сообщений. Тут нужно очень чутко подходить к выбору целевой аудитории. Вплоть до парсинга в церебро и отбирать только тех, кто активен за последнее время +Рандомизация текста и редиректы и все будет нормально. 7. КАКИЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЯ УКАЗЫВАТЬ ПРИ РАССЫЛКЕ СПАМА ДРУЗЬЯМ, В ЛС, СООБЩЕСТВА, ГРУППЫ ? — Дл...
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On the social-bookmarking website Reddit. there are few cherished moments as fulfilling as an AMA (ask me anything) session with an interesting person. Previous participants have included such luminaries as Stephen Colbert and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Folks who join the fray often give thought-provoking answers to user-submitted questions and have provided people with a clearer window into the lives of some of the most fascinating figures in our world. This would seem to be a no-brainer for someone like Woody Harrelson . whose pro-pot, anti-zombie sentiments would be seemingly sympathetically received on Reddit. However, nobody predicted the fiery train-wreck that unfolded when the actor’s AMA flung into chaos Friday after the actor took few questions and focused almost exclusively on his film, Rampart . which he was promoting. Things began to unravel from the get-go, the very first question asked was about a one-night stand: I swear this is a true story. I went to a high school in LA...
Instagram для iPad: обзор лучших приложений В этой ситуации, как и следовало ожидать, многие iOS-разработчики воспользовались этим, и создали собственные сторонние приложения для работы с Instagram на iPad, которые в настоящее время доступны на App Store. Предлагаем вашему вниманию список наиболее удачных приложений-клиентов Instagram для планшета от Apple. Flow for Instagram Flow – это приложение Instagram для iPad с пользовательским интерфейсом, который очень похож на официальное приложение для iPhone. Слева в меню содержатся вкладки временной ленты, личного профиля, “избранное”, “закладки” и поиска. Навигация по сетке фотографий осуществляется c помощью привычных жестов, а при нажатии на изображение происходит переход в полноэкранный режим просмотра с доступом к разделу, содержащему описание, комментарии и “лайки”. Приложение имеет ряд переключателей для различных настроек: автовоспроизведение видео, предварительная загрузка, указание имен пользователей в новостной ленте и “след...
See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Hey Tumblr, what energizes you to achieve your dreams? We’ve teamed up with the girls from STEP - a real life story from Fox Searchlight about a high school girls’ step team in Baltimore - to learn what energizes people to achieve their dreams. For the girls in the film, Step is Life and is helping them to achieve their dreams. It’s the outlet that keeps them united and helped them prepare to be the first in their families to go to college. When we surround ourselves with strong women, anything is possible! We want to hear your story! What keeps you motivated and energized, despite any hardships or barriers you face? Maybe it’s music, film, dance, sports, drawing, fandom, or maybe it’s something else. Tell us what keeps you going and moving forward by filling in this message: ________ IS LIFE! Post your “___ IS LIFE!” story on Tumblr with a selfie, text, video, or piece of art. Just make sure to tag your...
P in C ollages Pin Tall collages How do I get started Make sure you use one of the supported browsers. We support Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Sing up with your Pinterest account Install a browser extension to your browser. An extension button will appear on the top of your browser after installation. Go to any of your product listing pages or your store pages, click on the extension button to pin tall collages. Why does the app require my Pinterest account permission? The app needs to post pins to your Pinterest account on your behalf so it needs "save Pins" permission to your Pinterest account. The app does NOT update your profile or read your followers and does NOT follow people. How do I install a new version of the extension? The best way to install a new version is to remove old extension from your browser and then re-install it. Below are some links on how to remove old extension from your computer. Is payment information required for free trial? No. We only need you...
In case you missed it, Benedict Cumberbatch took part in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) last Friday in order to promote The Fifth Estate . which comes out later this week. And while there were some interesting insights into his experience of playing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (as well as his response to Assange’s attacks on the film), the true joy of Cumberbatch’s AMA lies in some of his more ridiculous fan interactions. Not only were his responses charming, gracious, good-humored, and occasionally downright flirty, but the actor seems very, very aware of the effect he has on the legions of Cumberbitches of all ages and genders: he knows about the sexy fan art, guys. And he is on board . Without further ado, here are the eight best (or at least goofiest) moments from the AMA, covering everything from pranks, pets, and Martin Freeman to some rather NSFW comments involving Tom Hiddleston and Matt Smith (see #8: “And this is how Benedict Cumberbatch broke the internet. ”). So here’...
Site Search Engine Explore a site by searching it, now. How to Search Tumblr, Search Instagram, Imgur, Craigslist, and all sites. Best Engine for top sites. Search Tumblr, Search Instagram, Reddit, Craigslist, Twitter, Imgur, and any Google site. Discover content using engines for a video, picture, photo, or an image. Try popular sites like Tumblr Search Engine and Instagram. This returns Tumblr pictures, photos, videos, and images from top sites. Try Twitter to get started. Craigslist Tumblr Search Instagram Twitter Craigslist You need a better way, to explore websites like Craigslist Search, Instagram Search, Tumblr Search, Twitter, Craigslist, and Imgur engines for content. Imagine this, what websites get searched and what type of content gets the most views? All the links here. Instagram, so far is the winner. Following Instagram, Twitter Search, Imgur, and Facebook. When are people Google searching "Craigslist" cities? Each city has their own section where users can narr...